Critical and creative use of social media platforms and its Reflections on the intellectual security of students at King Faisal University.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine And Director of the National Center for Talent and Creativity Research Saudi Arabia

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Technology, King Faisal University Lecturer, Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Sohag University

3 Associate Professor of Educational Administration King Faisal University Saudi Arabia


This study aimed at  identifying the degree of practicing critical and creative thinking skills in dealing with social media platforms, and its implications on the intellectual security of students at King Faisal University. The descriptive method was utilized in this study. Two questionnaires of critical and creative use of communication platforms and the implications of communication platforms on intellectual security were administered to a sample of 507 male and female students at King Faisal University. The results of the study revealed that WhatsApp, Snapchat, and Instagram platforms were the most used by the students of King Faisal University, while YouTube, Twitter and Facebook platforms were the least. The critical and creative practices of the students of King Faisal University in dealing with social media platforms came to a moderate degree, and the implications of social media platforms on intellectual security, came largely on the axes (social and religious effects - and economic effects), While came to a medium degree on the axis (political effects).  There was a significant correlation between the different axes of the two study tools. The creative use of social media platforms affects intellectual security. Intellectual security can be predicted through the scale of creative use of social media platforms, while the critical use factor has no effect. The study recommended the need to include university curricula some courses with the aim of interpreting the skills and characteristics of critical and creative thinking in the form of behavioral practices for the optimal use of social media platforms, and to extract the different effects of social media platforms on intellectual security, and provide the university staff with sufficient concepts and clear facts, to play positive roles In the face of the challenges of intellectual security

Main Subjects