Interaction Between Interval Types (Expanding - Equal) in Electronic Spaced Learning and the Level of Mental Capacity and their Impact on Cognitive Load and Retention for the Preparatory Stage Pupils

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Educational Technology Faculty of Graduate Studies of Education - Cairo University

2 Former Assistant Professor of Educational Technologies College of Science and Arts - Najran University


This research aimed to determine the most appropriate type of intervals (Expanding - Equal) in electronic spaced learning, with interacting by the level of mental capacity (High-Low) for the preparatory stage pupils and their impact on the retention and cognitive load, to develop some concepts of the computer subject for them. The research sample consisted of (90) preparatory stage pupils have been divided into four experimental groups. The mental capacity scale has been used to classify the samples, the achievement test to measure the retention effect, and the Cognitive load scale. The research results indicated that, there were no difference between both groups of pupils in difference levels of  mental capacity (Low-High) who studied with (Equal) interval, and others who studied with (Expanding) interval in the achievement level (Immediate – Delayed), the results also indicated that using (Expanding) interval lead to better retention and reducing mental capacity. The pupils with high mental capacity have archived better results than others with low mental capacity in the immediate and delayed  achieving , and the cognitive load, the experimental  group with  high mental capacity who studied by Expanding interval has been the best group in reducing the cognitive load.


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