Suggested policies for teacher preparation in Saudi Arabia in the light of Vision 2030

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ministry of Education Saudi Arabia

2 Ministry of Education - Jeddah Education Saudi Arabia


The study aimed to develop the proposed policy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the light of the vision of the Kingdom 2030 and to prepare the teacher in Saudi Arabia to contribute to the development of the teacher and enable him to support the educational process to achieve the objectives of Vision 2030.
To achieve the objectives of the study and data collection, the researchers used the descriptive method, in addition to using the SWOT analysis to analyze the current situation as an input to the concepts and methods of strategic planning.
The results of the study were analyzed by analyzing the current state of the internal environment, which showed that it was influenced by factors of strength and weakness factors. It was also found that there are several opportunities and challenges in the external environment of the teacher preparation system:
-     The quality of teacher preparation, education is the cornerstone of prosperity and creativity in society, and the quality of education in society is as important as economic development.
-     Attracting the best candidates for the teaching profession who have been well trained in quality provides a balance between the knowledge of topics to be studied and the teaching methods.
-     The importance of developing a system of progress for the profession based on scientific standards and mechanisms.
-     Spreading teachers in areas where they are most needed, giving them the necessary compensation, financial rewards, housing and good support in the form of opportunities for professional development.
Based on the results of the study, a number of recommendations and proposals were presented.


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