The Future of Education in Arab Gulf - Professional Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Educational Administration Faculty of Education King Saud University


This research aims at submitting a professional perspective about future of education in Arab Gulf states according to the challenges and political conflicts that is going through the Arab region and according to the political and economical globalization challenges, knowledge and technological revolutions, and their economic, educational and professional impact on Arab Gulf countries. To achieve this aim, the research used the inductive descriptive method for the future, in the shape of “Barry”, which is also called (TIP), that means Trends, Implications, and Predictions, throughout defining the international, regional and local challenges, and their implications on Gulf society economically and professionally, and to predict the future of education and its institutions in the Gulf states and the role assigned against these challenges. The results showed that the Arab Gulf countries face many challenges that directly affect on the economy, and consequently the future of education and labour market in these countries, that impose upon the governments taking the necessary actions to confront it


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