The effectiveness of Cyber Counseling Program Using Social Networking Websites on Consumption Awareness and Skill Decision Making development for working woman

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher at the Faculty of Education Sohag University


    The current search examine the effectiveness of Cyber Counseling ProgramUsing Social Networking Websites on Consumption Awareness and   Decision making skill . The sample consists of (90) working woman . The search used Descriptive analytical and experimental curriculum . Educational materials and research tools include : Consumer awareness scale (Consumer behavior
               Online purchase) , and  Decision Making scale that include (6) axes designed  by the researcher , These two scales were applied Pre and post to the sample of the research . The researcher used the appropriate statistical methods . the current search findings showed that:
-       There is a statistically significant correlation on level (0,05) Between the use of social networking sites (Facebook) and consumer awareness of the research sample.
-       There is a statistically significant correlation on level (0,05) Between the use of social networking sites (Facebook) and Decision Making skill of the research sample.
-       There is effectiveness for Cyber Counseling Program Using Social Networking Websites on Consumption Awareness development for the research sample.
-       There is effectiveness for Cyber Counseling Program Using Social Networking Websites on Decision Makingskill development for the research sample.


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