Role of the changing leadership in achieving the Desired Objectives in the Kuwaiti Public Education Institutions from their School’s Principals Point of View

Document Type : Original Article


Ministry of Education and Higher Education - Kuwait


This study aimed to find out the reality of the changing leadershipin the Kuwaiti Public education institutions from their schools’ principals point of view for the scholastic year 2018/2019. Study sample reached (32) male and female principals in the Kuwaiti public education schools, they were selected by the random method from the schools’ in the Kuwait public education. The researcher depended on the short-interview method which consisted of four clauses distributed.
 leadership style in the educational organizations, It also showed that Kuwaiti public education instituatioms are ready for different and sudden change processes.
            In light of the study results, the researcher recommending disseminating the changing leadership culture in the educational institutions generally and the pedagogical institutions particularly, and seek  to training and continuous education for educational leaders for leadership methods of change, to enable staff in educational institutions to make decisions and changing leadership, to develop strategic plans to lead change patterns within educational and educational institutions


Main Subjects