The Role of the university in enhancing the skills of global citizenship for its Students in light of the requirements of the labor market (field study at Sohag University)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Fundamentals of Education Faculty of Education - Sohag University


The current era witnesses great interest by contemporary countries to educate students the skills of global citizenship to meet their aspirations for better future that is not limited to specific place or boundaries. The objective is to provide the students with the skills that enable them to live in and integrate with different societies and exploit all available resources and promote the same in conformity to the requirements of the global market to enabling them to integrate into the new global labor market.
The current research aims to identify the role of the university in enhancing the skills of global citizenship to its students in light of the requirements of the labor market, as well as identifying the obstacles facing the enhancement of these skills from the perspective of faculty members at Sohag University.
The research is based on the descriptive approach to identify the skills of the global citizenship within the light of the requirements of the labor market and based on the field study to find out the real role of the university in enhancing these skills from the prospective of faculty members in the faculties of Education, Arts, Science, Medicine and Commerce at Sohag University.
The research has concluded that the University is interested in enhancing the skills of human rights skills, world peace, critical thinking, cultural diversity, and students' technological ability skills to enable them to master the same based on the needs of the global labor market. However, there is shortcomings in the role of the university to cement these skills among students due to availability of many obstacles, such as failure to associate educational programs with the requirements of the global labor market and the lack of programs and activities that strengthen the skills of global citizenship and train the students on the same to enable them to positively compete in the global labor market in the future

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