The HEXACO-24 as psychological determinants of Quiet ego among primary school teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Mental Health and Special Education - Department of Mental Health - Faculty of Education - Sohag University.


The study aimed to explore level of Quiet ego, and the differences in it depending on the sex and years and experience and interaction between them, as well as investigated the possibility of prediction of Quiet ego from HEXACO among primary school teachers, The sample of the study consisted of 200 primary school teachers (100 male+100 female),
their ages were (34.52 ± 7.48) years, The researcher translated and adapted two tools, the first one, Quiet ego scale (Wayment, et al., 2015), and The HEXACO–24  scale (De Vries, 2013). Results of the study indicated that: 1) The primary school teachers showed a high level in the overall degree of Quiet ego and their sub-dimensions, 2) There was no effect of sex or interaction between sex and experience on Quiet ego, but there were statistically significant differences in the Quiet ego due to years of experience For teachers who have more years of experience, 3) Quiet ego can be predicted by sub-dimensions of HEXACO: Honesty-Humility, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Emotionality, These independent variables account for 32.3% of the variance in the dependent variable.


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