The Effectiveness of Adaptive Electronic Content Based on the Cognitive Method (Analytical, Holistic) in Developing Critical Thinking Skills among Students of Bachelor of Educational Technology in the Faculty of Education, University of Jeddah

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Technologies, Faculty of Education, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

2 Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


This research aimed at detecting the effectiveness of adaptive e-learning content based on the cognitive (analytical, holistic) style, in developing critical thinking skills (conclusion, prediction of assumptions, identification of the main idea, interpretation), and achievement in the unit of variables of the production of educational television programs, to achieve this, a random sample of 85 students was selected from bachelor of Educational technology at Jeddah University's for the academic year 1439/1440, and they were divided into a control group (27) students, and two groups, the first on the analytical style (31) students, and the second group on the holistic style (27). The results have found the effectiveness of adaptive e-content based on the cognitive-style (analytical/holistic) in the development of critical thinking and achievement skills, as well as the results indicated differences. Statistical function between the control group: (which is taught using non-adaptive e- content) and the first experimental group: (studied using analytical adaptive e- content), for the first experimental group: (taught using analytical adaptive e- content) in all thinking skills The critic as well as in the total measure of critical thinking, as well as in the achievement test for the unit of variables of the production of educational television programs, as well as the existence of statistically significant differences between the first experimental group: (studied using analytical adaptive e- content), the second experimental group: ( It is taught using holistic adaptive e- content, for the benefit of the first experimental group: (and studied using analytical adaptive e- content) in the interpretation skills of critical thinking as well as in the total scale of critical thinking as a whole, as well as in the achievement test unit of variables of the production of educational television programs.

Main Subjects