The Role of School Leaders in Confronting the Problems of Student Violence in Government Secondary Schools in Jeddah (Reality and Solutions)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Educational Management, Strategic Planning and Economics of Education

2 Master of Educational Administration and Supervision, Arab East College of Graduate Studies, Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia


The purpose of this study is to identify the role of school leaders in confronting student violence in public secondary schools in Jeddah through the following objectives: To identify the reality of student violence in secondary schools،  identify the obstacles that limit school leaders in the face of student violence،  In the face of student violence،  and to identify solutions and alternatives that address the problem of student violence from the point of view of school leaders،  and to achieve the objectives of the study used descriptive method where a questionnaire was constructed consisting of four parts: General information about the society of the study (the academic qualification،  the number of years of experience in the current work،  the job،  and the second part includes the focus of the questionnaire measures the first the reality of student violence in secondary schools are (7) paragraphs and the second measures the constraints that challenge school leaders in the face of student violence، (17) The third part includes the duties of the school leaders in the face of student violence. It consists of (9) paragraphs،  and the fourth part includes the axis of solutions and alternatives that address the problem of student violence from the point of view of the school leaders (8) Was applied to a sample of (90) school leaders, agents and student guides at the state high schools in Jeddah, representing 27% of the total community to ensure honesty and consistency. So that the study community of all school leaders, agents and student guides in government high schools in Jeddah and the questionnaires were distributed electronically, and the number of questionnaires (41) questionnaire (92, 725%) were analyzed and reach the results, The following:
-        It was found that most of the duties of school leaders in the face of student violence (with a high degree of approval) mean that the duties of school leaders come from priorities to confront student violence،  with an average of 3.97.
-        It was found that most of the solutions and alternatives that address the problem of student violence from the point of view of school leaders (with a high degree)،  with an average of (3.75)
It was found that most solutions and alternatives that address the problem of student violence from the point of view of school leaders،  the third category of the scale (average) the first axis the reality of student violence in government secondary schools in Jeddah and an average (2.63).
-        Highlighting the reality of student violence in the government high schools in Jeddah: The tendency of violence among some students reflects the weakness of family stability،  showing physical strength and control of colleagues،  violating school rules and regulations،  and quarrels among students due to rejection of each other.
-        Deficiencies that limit school leaders in the face of student violence: poor cooperation between students and parents with school،  weak code of conduct،  a code of ethical discipline،  lack of deterrent punishment،  and long procedures taken by the school before punishment against the student
To highlight the duties of school leaders in the face of student violence: to strengthen the role of the student guide in the face of abnormal behavior in the students،  and call the guardian in difficult situations،  and encourage students to communicate with teachers to ask their problems.
-        Highlight the solutions and alternatives that address the problem of student violence from the point of view of school leaders: Spreading religious awareness to clarify Islam's position on violence،  investing school radio to promote positive behavior of students،  studying the real causes of violent behavior،  to provide appropriate solutions.
Recommendations: Working on parents' cooperation with the leaderships in learning the behaviors of students and work to resolve the negative aspects of some students،  and spreading religious awareness to clarify the position of Islam from violence and work to strengthen the role of cooperation and language of dialogue between students،  and work to study the real reasons that affect the spread The phenomenon of student violence and work to provide appropriate solutions.

Main Subjects