The achievement motivation, the test anxiety and other academic variables of the students in Saudi universities.

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. Researcher, Umm Al-Qura University, Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia


This study aims to identify the nature of achievement motivation, the test anxiety and other academic variables (such as the studying acquisition, specializations and classes). The researcher applied the motivation measure of 345 students of the in Saudi universities. The study has reached the following findings:
          1- There is a statistical significance  with negative correlation relationship between the achievement motivation and the test anxiety. 
          2-There is a statistical significance of the achievement motivation between the students with high degree of acquisition and the low degree acquisition students in favor of the high degree acquisition.
          3-There is a statistical significance of the achievement motivation between the students in the beginner classes and the advanced ones in favor of the beginners.
          4-There is no statistical significance  in the level of achievement motivation for the scientific or literary specializations of the student.
          5-There is no statistical significant of the test anxiety between the  high level acquisition students and low level ones.
          6-There is no statistical significant of the test anxiety between the beginner students and the advanced ones.
According to the previous mentioned findings, the researcher gives a number of recommendations such as the following; It is very important to save the required educational climax, supporting the active learning process, improving the students' ability, encouraging them to achieve the required level of acquisition in a suitable educational environment. These will reflect positively upon their creative abilities, and the achievement motivation . The researcher also recommend for more studies in that field to identify the required factors and variables affects the achievement  motivation and test anxiety, and their effects on the Saudi society. The most important factors are the studying climax, the students'   attitudes of the university, the academic harmony and the students vocational attitudes.                           

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