Quality of Scientific Research: Criteria, Requirements, Obstacles, and Developmental Procedures from the Researcher's Point of View (Qualitative Study Using Rooted Theory)

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of counseling psychology College of Education - King Khalid University Faculty of Arts - Zagazig University


The aim of the present study is to reveal the quality standards of scientific research, its requirements, obstacles, and the developmental procedures for the level of research quality from the researchers' point of view. The researcher used the qualitative method to the theory rooted approach using the emerging design of (Glazer, 1992) to analyze the qualitative data collected by interviewing (20) researchers with the scientific degree of Assistant Professor and above. The results of qualitative analysis resulted in the data collected through the in-depth interview of the participants in the study after coding and classification, and the continuous comparison of the data by coding and data by axes. These data can be coded in four axes: scientific research quality standards, scientific research quality requirements, scientific research quality impediments, and scientific research quality improvement procedures. The results revealed the criteria (two criteria, 27 indicators) for the quality of scientific research, fall into two themes: criteria related to the researcher, including (9) indicators, and criteria related to research, including (18) indicators. The results also found that there are 12 requirements for the quality of scientific research fall into two themes: infrastructure requirements, including (3) requirements; and requirements of regulations, policies, fall in (9) requirements. The results also reached a number of obstacles of scientific research fall into three themes: obstacles related to researchers, including (6) obstacles, and obstacles related to scientific research institutions, which included (10) obstacles, and obstacles related to publishing house and scientific journals, including (7) obstacles. The results of the qualitative analysis of the opinions of the participants in the research have reached a procedural guide that includes the necessary steps to improve the quality of research in the Arab world. These procedures are classified into three themes: The first theme is the procedures that should be carried out by researchers, and it includes (5) procedural actions. And the second theme, Procedures to be carried out by scientific research institutions, including (11) procedures; and the third theme: procedures to be carried out by publishing bodies and scientific journals, which included (7) procedures to improve the quality of scientific research. In light of these results, the study recommended the necessity of developing researchers awareness of the criteria and indicators of the quality of scientific research. Establishing the quality of scientific research assurance unite in each college and university, establishing specialized research centers, digital development of central libraries in universities, and holding an annual regional conference for the quality of scientific research


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