فعالیة النهج الفردیة والاندماج للأطفال والمراهقین الذین یعترضون:مراجعة منهجیة من 1990 إلى 2018

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia-


  Aims To find the reason for limited evidence on the effectiveness of stuttering modification and to compare the effectiveness of available stuttering treatments, particularly the individual and integration approaches by synthesizing the available evidence.
  Methods A systematic review of the literature on the individual and integration approaches to treat CWS. Studies published from 1990 to 2018 were reviewed. Searches were not restricted by assessment tools and study design ,but were limited by participant characteristics, treatments (Fluency Shaping (FS), Stuttering Modification (SM) and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)) and language.
              Results Synthesized evidence from 29 papers identifies that relapsing and the quality of sound after treatment via FS may be the main reasons behind the limited evidence that SM has. In addition, participants treated by integration approaches showed an ability to reduce stuttering and maintain treatment gains for a long period of time as compared to those treated via FS or SM.
             Statement of problem The reason for limited evidence supporting stuttering modification is unknown and there has not been systematic review conducted that compares the outcomes of Children and adolescents who stutter (CWS) treated by both the individual and integration approaches. 
             Implications of this review This review suggests integrating FS with SM alone or with other treatments that may help clinicians assist CWS to meet their goals and maintain their treatment gains.
Keywords: stuttering, systematic review, fluency shaping, stuttering modification, individual approach, integration approach

Main Subjects