Evaluation the level of the field training program for the graduates of special education department in Al-Ahliyya AmmanUniversity from their point of view

Document Type : Original Article


Co-professor Department of Psychology and Special Education / College of Arts and Sciences Al-Ahliyya Amman University / Amman / Jordan


This study aims to evaluate the level of the field training program in special education department at Al-Ahliyya Amman University from their graduate point of view. And the effect of variables: sex and the grade point average (GPA). The sample consisted of (34) male and female students, selected by the intentional method. A questionnaire has been used after being verified and validated, consisting of (64) paragraphs, distributed in (5) fields.
The results show that the evaluation of program (as whole) has reached a high level. As for the fields, it was ranked (educational supervisor: in university, thenprocedure of the training program, then cooperative teacher), all at high level. Then came (cooperative school, then ​​ cooperativeadministration), both at average level.
The results indicated that the variable (GPA) has statistical significance on evaluation of the program in general, and in the fields of (cooperative teacher, cooperative school, procedures of program) only, while the sex variable has no statiscal significance


Main Subjects