A proposed plan for the development of school leaders professionally in light of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 vision

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Educational Administration and Planning College of Education Al-Baha University

2 Master researcher, College of Education, Al Baha University


The study aimed to develop a proposed plan for the development of school leaders professionally in the light of the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030, and the study used descriptive analytical approach; to suit the nature of the study, and the study population of school leaders and agents in the education offices in the area of ​​Al-Baha and the number (286) leaders and agents, and reached a sample The study (159) leaders and agents, and the study found that the reality of the professional development programs for school leaders in Saudi Arabia from their point of view came with a degree of (OK), and the absence of statistically significant differences between the average respondents of the research sample on the reality of professional development programs The intention of school leaders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is attributed to variables (education office, educational stage, educational qualification, number of years of experience in the field of leadership, number of training courses in the field of leadership and current work). The study also found that there were no statistically significant differences between the average respondents of the research sample on the obstacles of professional development programs for school leaders in Saudi Arabia due to variables (Office of Education, educational stage, Qualification, years of experience in the field of leadership, the number of training courses in the field of leadership, and current work), the requirements for the development of professional development programs for school leaders in Saudi Arabia came from their point of view (strongly agree), and in the light of previous results recommended the importance of work To develop a specific plan for the professional development of school leaders in line with the Kingdom's Vision 2030, with the need to provide indicators to achieve the objectives of this plan and its compatibility with the goals of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and formulate a professional development plan for school leaders based on actual needs


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