Evaluation the level of Oral Performance of Secondary Stage Female Students in the light of Speaking Skills and awareness of the strategies

Document Type : Original Article


Arabic teacher for non-native speakers Specialized curricula and teaching methods of the Arabic language - Taif University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


 The present study aimed to identify the level of oral performance in light of speaking skills among female students of the first grade secondary school,  determine the level of awareness of speaking strategies, determine  the relationship between speaking strategies and speaking skills and visualize a proposal for the development of speaking skills and awareness of its strategies among female students of the first grade secondary school, The study sample consisted of 300 female students from the first grade secondary school for the academic year 1437/1438, selected randomly in Taif . The researcher prepared a list of appropriate speaking skills to the students of the first-grade secondary school, The observation index of speaking skills them, and scale of awareness of awareness of speaking strategies. Applying the descriptive approach and using means and standard deviations and Pearson correlation coefficient. The study found a number of findings, including: that the general level of speaking skills to the female students of the first grade secondary school was average by mean (1.86), The general level of awareness of speaking strategies among female students was average too by mean (1.74), Found significant positive correlations between degree of awareness of speaking strategies (strategies and total score) and degrees of speaking skills (skills and total score). In light of the results of the study the researcher presented a number of recommendations including the use of the list of speaking skills as the basis for the development of these skills among students and holding training courses and workshops for teachers of the Arabic language.


Main Subjects

Volume 73, Issue 73 - Serial Number 73
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
May 2020
Pages 1157-1241
  • Receive Date: 01 March 2020
  • Revise Date: 26 March 2020
  • Accept Date: 13 April 2020