Developing teacher preparation programs to cope with the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


Proceeding from the close link between education, training and scientific research and keeping pace with the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which requires the need for education to accommodate the horizons of that industrial revolution, and adapt and adapt to its data integrated educational system, and a flexible and diverse educational ladder; so that it opens to the generations of continuing education, and explore with them Thousands of subspecialties celebrated by the new age.
The present paper sought to discuss aspects of development to occur in the teacher preparation programs to graduate teachers who are able to prepare their students to keep pace with the Fourth Industrial Revolution by addressing the meaning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the most prominent characteristics and implications for the education system and the roles of the teacher, which necessitated the need to develop programs to prepare to meet the requirements That revolution.
The study concluded that the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as it has brought about fundamental changes in all areas of our lives, will bring about fundamental changes in the goals and the way of teaching and learning of our children, which imposed on teachers new roles and responsibilities necessitated the need to reconsider the training programs and preparation of teachers teachers colleges of education as well as colleges The corresponding in terms of the amendment of the regulations and the inclusion of decisions compatible with the developments of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and related to the areas of artificial intelligence and its applications, such as the philosophy of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence and issues of the times, ethics of the robot and others, to be compulsory for all For students instead of elective courses fixed by the regulations of the faculties of education and may be similar subjects with basic educational courses such as school and society and the origins of population education and scientific culture and learning skills and recall and international education and others.


Main Subjects

Volume 68, Issue 68
أصول التربیة
December 2019
Pages 3153-3199
  • Receive Date: 01 November 2019
  • Revise Date: 05 November 2019
  • Accept Date: 07 November 2019