The multiplicity of aesthetic visions of a single artifact to enrich the material of the artistic works

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Technical Works And the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education for Community Service and Environmental Development - and the supervisor of the Department of Art Education, Assiut University

2 Subject teacher, Department of Art Education Faculty of Specific Education - Assiut University Department of Art Education - Specialization (Artistic Works)

3 Assistant Professor of Technical Works Department of Specific Education Ain-Shams University


Modern studies of contemporary philosophies in the arts have taken an artistic and experimental starting point in line with the artistic development and contemporary movements in art, and this finds a logic on which ideas are based and the disclosure of the pursuit of innovation.
Development and experimentation was one of the features of the modern and contemporary times and what the modern artistic trends adopted, which gave the work more than one meaning, idea and multiple visions through that achieved aesthetic and artistic values ​​of the work.
Kinetic art is considered one of the arts that expressed the current age and revolution against everything that is traditional.
The artist wanted to express movement in his works, believing that "movement in the visual field is the most powerful stimulus of attention. One of them is the degree of mental absorption in which the individual lives, so it is certain to stimulate any movement he perceives."
The primitive artist was interested in the movement by recording everything he goes through in his daily life on the walls of the caves, whether by drawing or engraving that you see full of delusional movements, these movements result from the repetition of the elements.
In ancient Egyptian art, many examples confirm the interest in movement. The expression of shapes through repetition was evident in many of his works, until repetition became one of the prominent features in this art.
The movement has an effective role in artistic work through force, whether that force is natural through air, wind, water, electrical or magnetic. The movement may be on one system or intermittent or interspersed with some periods of rest through the movement made by each of the "motion artists "We find that the artistic work occupies a place through its creation in space and by movement the artistic work has become an extension in time.
The artist always seeks through his art to express the movement, which has now become an actual movement after it was his illusions, and this is also the case with regard to the subject of artistic works, as it was the beginning, which is a period of importance, then the artistic works research went through an important stage, which is the attempt to advance it to be on par with the trends .
And modern philosophies emerged as researches whose studies depend on schools of modern art, and as a result the student finds the importance of the movement component in artistic work as an attempt to benefit from this characteristic - the actual movement as it tends towards its study and inclusion in the field of artistic works to modernize and keep pace with modern and modern trends and distance from the traditional in art.

Main Subjects

Volume 48, Issue 48 - Serial Number 48
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
April 2017
Pages 253-271
  • Receive Date: 09 February 2017
  • Revise Date: 20 February 2017
  • Accept Date: 07 March 2017