Application Requirements of Six Sigma Methodology to Improve Performance of Administrative ApparatusatHafr Al-batin Faculty of Education - University of Dammam

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher of comparative education and educational administration College of Education - Sohag University


This study aimed to attempt to detect the most important requirements for the application of the Six Sigma methodology to improve the performance of the administrative apparatus at Hafr Al-batin Faculty of Education - University of Dammam, the the researcher used descriptive method using a questionnaire have been applied to a random sample of faculty members of Hafr Al-batin Faculty of Education - University of Dammam.
The study found that the most important of these requirements include: requirements of Definition stage: spreading the culture of Six Sigma methodology and objectives within the faculty, meet the needs of the community and its institutions from faculty, educate all employees and the administrative persons with activities and administrative processes that can be applied methodology Six Sigma, training college staff and all employees to accomplish the tasks correctly from the first time to avoid errors . Requirements of measurement stage: Availability of advanced methods and modern techniques to gather information and data needed to overcome the problems encountered in operations, Educate workers with statistic tools used in the methodology of Six Sigma, and how it is used, design tools to measure of processes and activities within the time allowed, involvement of teams and all implementing in the design of measurement tools. Requirements of analysis stage: diagnosis and study of the symptoms of deviations, and analysis of its causes, performance evaluate the work to remedy deficiencies, formation of work teams and determine the appropriate measurement tools, identify the current status of the various processes and activities in order to emphasize the reasons for increasing the effectiveness of the process. Requirements of Improvement stage: provide a regulatory environment conducive to improving the performance of the administrative system, a set of operational plans to improve operations, develop mechanisms for the review of errors that have been detected in the operations or activities, propose innovative solutions to fix the problems discovered. Requirements of Control stage: Ensure workflow according to the mechanisms for implementing the methodology of Six Sigma, set controls to ensure that no performance degradation after improved, creating a permanent mechanism to monitor the errors that may show the process and corrected in a timely manner, improve the results of the post-implementation in light of the standards set previously.
The study also found that there are no significant differences among the scores average of the study sample according to the variables: (Current Position – Degree - the number of years of experience) about the requirements for stages following to apply the methodology of Six Sigma: (definition – Measurement – Analysis - Improvement -Control).

Main Subjects

Volume 38, Issue 38 - Serial Number 38
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
October 2014
Pages 375-446
  • Receive Date: 05 August 2014
  • Revise Date: 20 August 2014
  • Accept Date: 05 September 2014