Academic And Social Problems Faced By Students Of General Year Within The University Environment In Branches Colleges At The University Of Dammam

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Pedagogy College of Education in Hafar Al-Batin - University of Dammam - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2 Assistant Professor of Mental Health College of Education in Hafar Al-Batin - University of Dammam - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This Study Aimed To Reveal The Most Important Academic And Social Problems Facing Students Of General Year Within The University Environment In Colleges Branches Of University Of Dammam, And Figer Out The Differences Towards The Most Important Academic And Social Problems Facing Students Of The General Year Within The University Environment In Colleges Branches Of University Of Dammam Due To The Variables (Specialization - High School -Social Status - City). Visualize Proposed To Overcome These Problems, The Researchers Used In Their Study Questionnaire Was Applied To A Random Sample Of Students In The General Year  In Colleges Branches And Used A Descriptive Approach , The Study Found The Following Results:
-     The Most Important Academic Problems Are: Current Traditional Teaching Methods And Non-Renewable, Take Academic Transactions And Takes A Long Time To Finish Them, People Soft System Have Many Problems, Is Opposed By Some Subjects, Lack Of Ways Of Illustration And Educational Devices.
-        That The Most Important Social Problems Are: Being Bored For Lack Of Breaks Between Lectures, The Faculty Is Not Ready For A University Environment, Climate Does Not Achieve A Feeling Of Happiness, Lack Of Places To Practice The Various Activities Of The Students, The Cafeteria Is Not At The Desired Level.
-     There Are Significant Differences Towards The Most Important Academic And Social Problems Facing The General Year Students Within The University Environment In Branches Colleges At The University Of Dammam Between Scientific Specialization And Specialization Literary.
-        There Is  No Statistically Significant Differences Towards The Most Important Academic And Social Problems Facing The General Year Students Within The University Environment In Branches Colleges At The University Of Dammam Between Public Schools And Graduates Of Private Schools.
-        There Is No Statistically Significant Differences Towards The Most Important Academic And Social Problems Facing The Students Within The University Environment In Branches Colleges At The University Of Dammam Between Married And Unmarried .
-         There Is No Statistically Significant Differences Towards The Most Important Academic And Social Problems Facing The Students  Within The University Environment In Branches Colleges At The University Of Dammam Between The Cities Of Al Khafji And Hafer Albatin,Al Naeria, Jubail And Dammam.

Main Subjects

Volume 34, Issue 34 - Serial Number 34
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
July 2013
Pages 175-220
  • Receive Date: 05 April 2013
  • Revise Date: 20 April 2013
  • Accept Date: 11 May 2013