The effect of the interaction between the level of ambition and tolerance of ambiguity of the entrepreneurial student on Creative Self Efficacy From The Viewpoint of The Students of The College of Education in Rustaq

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology Faculty of Education - Zagazig University - Egypt And the University of Rustaq in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


         The research aims to reveal the nature of the relationship between the entrepreneur’s personal characteristics (level of ambition, tolerance of ambiguity) and creative self-efficacy, and uncover the effect of the interaction between the personal characteristics of an entrepreneur (ambition level, tolerance of ambiguity) on creative self-efficacy from the viewpoint of the students of the College of Education in Rustaq. In addition to identify the role of the entrepreneur’s personal characteristics in predicting the creative self-efficacy from the viewpoint of students of the College of Education in Rustaq. The research sample consisted of (200) male and female students in the College of Education in Rustaq, in the first grade, second grade and third grade during the first semester (fall) 2019/2020 AD. To achieve the research goals, the researcher built personal research tools for entrepreneur’s personal characteristics (ambition level, tolerance of ambiguity), and creative self-efficacy and their implementation after verifying the validity and stability of each. Using the Pearson correlation coefficient and two-way analysis (two-way analysis of variance) through the SPSS program, the results of the research include:                                                                            
 1- There is a statistically significant positive relationship at the level of significance (0.01) between the level of ambition and creative self-efficacy from the viewpoint of the students of the College of Education in Rustaq.                                                                          
2- There is a statistically significant positive relationship at the level of significance (0.01) between tolerance of ambiguity and creative self-efficacy from the viewpoint of the students of the College of Education in Rustaq.                                                                      
3- There is a statistically significant effect at the level of (0.01) for each level of ambition (high - medium) and tolerance of ambiguity (high - medium - low) in creative self-efficacy, while there is no statistically significant effect of the bilateral interaction between the level of ambition (high - low) and tolerance of ambiguity (High - Medium - Low) on creative self-efficacy from the viewpoint of the students of the College of Education in Rustaq.                                                                  
4- Creative self-efficacy can be predicted from the entrepreneur’s personal characteristics (ambitious level - tolerance of ambiguity) from the viewpoint of the students of the College of Education in Rustaq.                                                                                             
The researcher presented a set of recommendations: raising the motivation of university students' ambition for entrepreneurial work, and investing this ambition in activating creative self-efficacy.                                                                                                        


Main Subjects

Volume 81, Issue 81 - Serial Number 81
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
January 2021
Pages 433-475
  • Receive Date: 18 September 2020
  • Revise Date: 07 October 2020
  • Accept Date: 18 October 2020