The Effectiveness of an Electronic Enriched Program Based on Active Learning in Developing Digital Skills of Student Teachers, Child Education Major and the Attitude towards it in light of Corona Pandemic, and Egypt’s Vision of 2030

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor Curriculum for Pre-school Child Kindergarten Department - College of Education 6th October University

2 Child Education Instructor Kindergarten Department - Faculty of Education, 6th of October University


This research aims at identifying the effectiveness of an enriched electronic program based on active learning in developing digital skills through Microsoft teams and electronic tests and the attitudes of child education student-teachers towards their usage in learning and instructions in light of Corona paradigm and Egypt’s vision of 2030.
To design the program, child education student teachers were surveys to identify the reality of the application of digital skills and its challenges, which helped in turn in providing a suggested proposal to improve the student teachers’ usage of digital skills through Microsoft teams and electronic tests.
Therefore, a focused group of (40) student-teachers; (10) of each level was used. A digital skills application reality questionnaire was administered to (350) student-teachers, child education major, faculty of education, 6th October University at levels I, II, III, IV.
To measure the effectiveness of the program in developing digital skills for student-teachers and their attitude towards them, a digital skills test, performance evaluation form of applying digital skills through Microsoft Teams and electronic tests, and the questionnaire of attitude towards applying digital skills in learning and instructions were administered. The program was administered to a group of (360) student-teachers; divided into (32) experimental and (32) controlled.
Results revealed that 95-100% of student-teachers agreed that using Microsoft Teams started during the time of Corona paradigm and helped continuing the processes of learning and instruction through its capabilities such as providing feedback, enabling interaction with instructors, possibility of recording lectures, presentations and encouraging self-learning. Results showed as well that responses 70% of student-teachers reflected their lack of knowledge related to using Teams and preparing electronic tests.
Results also indicated that the most important challenge that led to weakness of digital skills administration through Teams and Forms was related to lack of technical resources of the university, then weakness of student-teachers in using Microsoft Teams, shortage of some instructors’ skills in using Teams, and then the nature of theoretical and practical courses. Whereas, the most important challenges of administering electronic tests were shortage of some instructors’ skills, then the nature of courses, then the student-teachers’ weakness in using electronic test and then lack of technical resources of the university.
Results as well indicated the effectiveness of the electronic enriched program in developing digital skills for student-teachers through Microsoft Teams and Forms and their attitudes towards them in learning, instruction and evaluation.
This research provided a suggested proposal for improving the reality of digital skills for student-teachers, child education major, through training faculty staff and students in using Microsoft Teams and Forms and their various applications and using them in courses and also a program for preparing student-teachers using Microsoft Teams in their educational process in light of Egypt’s vision of 2030.


Main Subjects

Volume 92, Issue 92 - Serial Number 92
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
December 2021
Pages 279-402
  • Receive Date: 31 July 2021
  • Revise Date: 18 August 2021
  • Accept Date: 31 August 2021