Employing Electronic Participatory Learning in the Light of Twenty-First Century Skills to Develop Creative TeachingSkills and the Level of Self-Efficacy of Art education teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department Faculty of Specific Education - South Valley University


               The Research Aimed to Determine the Educational Design of the Electronic Participatory Learning Environment to Develop the Creative Teaching Skills of the Research Group. Postgraduate Studies Department of Art Education, Faculty of Specific Education, South Valley University), The Quasi-Experimental Approach, the One-Group Experimental Design and the Tribal and Remote Application Were Used, and the Tools Included a Note Card for Creative Teaching Skills, and a Self-Efficacy Scale. Creative Teaching Skills in Favor of the Post Application, and there are Significant Differences for the Self-Efficacy Scale in the Two Applications "Pre-post" in Favor of the Post Application, Which Indicates the Effectiveness of Teaching on the YouTube Website and the Facebook Application in Developing Self-Efficacy in (the research group), and the Researcher Returns this Result to the Possibility of Using them Easily and They Are Freely Available to All, Producing and Storing Learners of Recorded Videos for Later Reference, and the Learners’ Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills of Creative Teaching in a Manner Interesting in Employing the Capabilities of (Facebook) and in Raising the Knowledge Content by the Researcher, and Providing Strong Support to Learners by Enhancing their Practices and Activities through their Colleagues or the Researcher by Commenting and Discussing the Video Links in the Research Group (Facebook) and Uploaded on YouTube, which Helped to Exchange Knowledge and Share their Experiences with Each Other, Solve some Teaching Problems, and Improve their Professional Performance and Self-Efficiencies.


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