Review the nature of abstraction in mathematics education: a critical developmental vision

Document Type : Original Article


Curriculum and Instruction Department - Applied College - Umm Al-Qura University - Saudi Arabia


If we do not question current scientific and social theories and accepted facts, we may not realize that we may be limited by some distortions and errors. Without the possibility of critically interrogating ourselves, our beliefs, and what we read, any form of knowledge can be accepted. Differences in viewpoints can produce cognitive progress in the context of the uncertainty of the completeness of knowledge and the belief that it is in an infinite continuous development. In this paper I followed the critical model to examine knowledge about mathematical abstraction by building and supporting arguments, and claiming that there are some inconsistencies that need intellectual treatment supported by evidence, and my belief that there are components that increase the power of mathematical abstraction that did not come into interest, such as mathematical imagination and epistemic emotions.


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