Evaluating the content of the life and family skills course for the third grade of primary school in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the light of future thinking skills

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Sharia Sciences, College of Education, King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2 Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Early Childhood Associate, College of Education, King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


     The current research aims to identify the future thinking skills including the curriculum of life and family skills for the third grade of primary school in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the descriptive analytical method is used in this research to analyze the topics of the life and family skills curriculum, the results of the analysis revealed the availability of the main skills of solve future problems with a percentage of (0.384615), followed by the skill of expectation with a percentage of (0.274629), then the skill of perception with a percentage of (0.205128), and all of these skills came at a rate higher than (15%).It is percentage approved for the availability of the main skill. For the sub-skills came at rates higher than (5%) which is the percentage approved for the availability of the sub-skill, which is: exploratory expectation (0.131579), normative expectation (0.078947), calculated expectation (0.064103), setting priorities (0.076923), asking questions (0.076923), accessing information (0.102564), taking notes (0.102564), and making judgments (0.102564 ). The rest of the sub-skills (putting hypotheses, distinguishing between assumptions, checking consistency, recognizing viewpoints, analyzing arguments, setting standards, defining procedures, evaluating alternatives) were less than 5%. From these results, the researchers recommended paying more attention to the balance when including the primary and subsidiary future thinking skills in the activities and question sections of the life and family skills book for the third grade of primary school in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. More studies are required on how many future thinking are found in life and family skills books different grades and stages.
