Research Title: The Oxford Garden Experience in Developing Scientific Research and the Possibility of Benefiting from it in Universities the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Document Type : Original Article


Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, College of Education, Department of Fundamentals of Education-Kingdom Saudi Arabia


The objective of the study: To identify the Oxford Garden experience in developing scientific research and formulating how to benefit from it in Universities the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Study methodology: descriptive documentary.  Its tool: analysis.
The results: The findings of the research come to answer the question what has the Oxford Garden shown in the field of scientific research? First, linking scientific research to the needs of the labor market by providing the appropriate atmosphere that motivates faculty members and encourages them to make their research according to real needs. Second, focusing support on scientific research that contributes to the economic return of community institutions. Third, making sure diversity exists in scientific research to serve all fields and disciplines. In addition, the findings show that among the most important ways to benefit from Oxfords Garden are Identifying research needs and majors that meet these needs in order to serve all fields, majors and institutions, as well as all institutions of society, bridging the relationship between the park and research institutions and strengthening the link with them, identifying the problems faced by researchers and provide solutions to them urgently, offering research services to investment companies, and providing special budgets by the state and the park for creative, developmental and innovative research.
