The causal model of the relationship between Internet addiction , Fear of Covid-19 and cyberchodria among Saudi students

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Taif University


    The current research aimed to discover the relationship between Internet addiction , Fear of Covid-19 and cyberchodria among Saudi students through the best causal modeling of the relationship between these variables. The researchers used Young’s Internet Addiction scale, Fear of Covid-19 scale and short form of Cyberchondria scale CSS-12 . The sample of the study consisted of 438 students from Taif University. The result revealed direct  and positive affect from Internet addiction to Cyberchondria also between Cyberchondria  and Fear of Covid-19 ,and no direct affect between Internet addiction and Fear of Covid-19.


Volume 116, Issue 116 - Serial Number 116
مناهج وطرق التدریس ( اللغة العربیة- الإنجلیزیة – الفرنسیة – الریاضیات – العلوم- الفنون- الاقتصاد المنزلی- التجاری ... )
Pages 1013-1041
  • Receive Date: 27 August 2023
  • Revise Date: 02 September 2023
  • Accept Date: 05 September 2023