The Effectiveness of a Counselling Program Based on Acceptance and ‎Commitment on Alleviating Guilt Feeling towards Reducing ‎Psychological Burnout for Mothers with Multiple Blind Children

Document Type : Original Article


Mental Health Department Faculty of Education Kafr El-sheikh University


The current study aims at alleviating guilt feeling and its impact on reducing psychological burnout for mothers with multiple blind children via a counselling program based on acceptance and commitment as well as demonstrating the continuity of the effectiveness of this program as to the experimental group after follow-up period. The study sample comprised 8 mothers with multiple blind children with an age range of 31-45, an average of 39.75, and standard deviation of 4.59. The study tools consisted of Guilt Feeling Scales, Psychological Burnout Scales, and a Counselling Program based on acceptance and commitment, all prepared by the researcher. The study findings showed the effectiveness of the counselling program based on acceptance and commitment on alleviating guilt feeling as well as reducing the psychological burnout ensuing from such guilt-feeling alleviation for mothers with multiple blind children. Also, the study findings demonstrated the continuity of this program’s effectiveness on alleviating such guilt feeling and reducing the psychological burnout arising from the same feeling for mother of the sort after the follow-up period.   


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