Attitudes of social studies teachers in the Sultanate of Oman towards the green economy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Sultan Qaboos University

2 College of Education - Sultan Qaboos University


The current study seeks to identify the trends of social studies teachers in the Sultanate of Oman towards a green economy. The study used the analytical descriptive approach and the data were collected through a two-section questionnaire: Section I contained general information: Gender, Job and educational phase. Section II included (20) phrases spread across three axes: the definition of green economy, the importance of green economy and the importance of incorporating green economy into social studies' curricula. These phrases were answered using the 5- point Likert Scale: (I strongly agree, I am not sure, I disagree, I strongly disagree). They have been verified and calculated as (.919), which is a high stabilization rate. This study was conducted on a sample of 200 teachers selected randomly from various schools of the second cycle of basic and post-basic education in the Sultanate of Oman. The results showed that social studies teachers have positive trends towards green economy and including it in education. Moreover, it showed that there are no statistical differences attributable to the gender and job variables; moreover, there were no statistical differences attributable to the educational phase variable except in the third axis, which was in favor of post-basic education.


Main Subjects