Mentally attentive parenthood and its relationship to increased sensitivity in a sample of gifted parents and their children in secondary school

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Mental Health, Faculty of Education, Sohag University.


The study aimed to identify the nature of the relationship between mindfulness parenting and excessive sensitivity among a sample of (25) fathers and (45) mothers and their gifted sons in the secondary stage. The study relied on the descriptive and correlative approach. Mindfulness parenting scale (Prepared by: Researcher) and excessive sensitivity scale (Prepared by: Researcher) were applied to sample of study. The results of the study indicated that there was a negative and statistically significant correlation between mindfulness parenting and excessive sensitivity in the study sample. Mindfulness parenting was (moderate) in the parents of gifted students, while excessive sensitivity was (high) in gifted students and found statistically significant differences in mindfulness parenting according to sex variable (father / mother), in favor of mothers, while there were no differences a statistically significant in excessive sensitivity according to the sex variable (male/ female), Mindfulness parenting acts as a predictor of excessive sensitivity, in light of this, study presented a set of recommendations to meet the psychological and social needs of the gifted through the development of educational programs for this category, as well as the development of counseling programs for parents to develop their mindfulness parenting, which achieves for sons the psychological and emotional development.


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