A proposed program in light of Egypt 2030 vision for preparing vocational worker in vocational secondary school of decoration and advertising specialization

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Industrial Education National Center for Educational Research and Development


This research aimed to propose a program for preparing vocational worker in vocational secondary school of decoration and advertising specialization represented in inputs, outputs and processes of in light of the pivots and indicators of Egypt 2030 vision represented in quality, competitiveness and access to improve weaknesses of all its components for preparing qualified vocational workers to meet labour market requirements. Literature review, that dealt with vocational education in general and vocational worker preparation programs of decoration and advertising specialization in particular, was conducted. The most important problems and challenges that face this program were assessed. This required restructuring decoration specialization to sub-specializations with its performance indicators. It was reviewed by some stakeholders in the labour market, teachers and inspectors. The research tools represented in interview checklist, a questionnaire that included seven sub-specializations and its performance indicators. In light of this, a concept of the proposed program was devised according to the following procedures represented in  the reality of  vocational education and the most important problems facing it, studies and research that dealt with vocational education programs different aspects, problems and challenges that face vocational worker preparation program in vocational education schools, vocational education and Egypt vision 2030 pivots and indicators, the challenges that face realizing quality and competitiveness of vocational worker preparation program implemented in vocational secondary school of decoration and advertising specialization  in light of Egypt 2030 vision, procedures of restructuring decoration and advertising specialization in vocational schools and finally the suggestions and recommendations. The most important recommendations showed the necessity of evaluating vocational education teachers' training programs of decoration and advertising specialization  and their effect on students' performance, rethinking current ministerial decrees to suit the nature of challenges that face vocational worker preparation program. The research suggested  reactivating the proposed concept  in light of time plan for getting the output quality of decoration and advertising program.                                                                                                         

Main Subjects