Contributions of general Secondary Education to Promote Social Cohesion To Confrontation Terrorism in Egypt : Proposed Educational Vision

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Foundations of Education Damietta University Faculty of Education


The present research aims to uncover the reality of educational practices that contribute to the enhancement of social cohesion in the general secondary school in Egypt, in order to formulate an educational vision to activate the role of the general secondary school in promoting social cohesion, as an entrance to confront terrorism. The research followed the descriptive approach, using the questionnaire as a research tool presented to a sample of secondary school teachers. And interview was conducted with a group of principals of general secondary education schools and a group of educational experts, in order to identify the most important educational practices in support of social cohesion in the school of general secondary education. The results reached:
-       The practices of school administration in the general secondary school in support of social cohesion came in a level of "achieved to some extent" with an arithmetic mean (2.30) and a relative weight (76.67%). This indicates a deficiency in the role of school administration in this important aspect.
-       The educational practices of the teacher in support of social cohesion came in the level of "achieved to a great extent" with a mean (2.34) and a relative weight (78.07%) This indicates that the teachers' educational practices within the general secondary school contribute to social cohesion.
-       The role of the curriculum in supporting social cohesion is largely achieved, according to the opinions of the members of the research sample with a mean (2.36) and a relative weight (78.83%).
-        The existence of deficiencies in the educational practices of school activities in the general secondary school in support of social cohesion. The practices of school activities in support of social cohesion came at a level "achieved to some extent", with an arithmetic mean (2.21) and a relative weight (73.56%).
-       The existence of deficiencies in the educational practices that prevail in the educational climate in the general secondary school in support of social cohesion, where it came at a level "achieved to some extent" with an arithmetic mean (2.32) and a relative weight (77.40%).


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