Keyword Index



  • Care The Educational Efforts of Mohammed Bin Nayef Center for Counseling and Caring for the Elimination of Intellectual Extremism: A Proposed Vision [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 341-398]


  • Development Problems related to curriculum development From the viewpoint of the members of the committees of Academic Plans and Programs at King Khalid University [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 301-339]


  • Edmodo the impact of using Edmodo through mobile devices on learning and access to information. To achieve the purpose of the study the researcher followed a semi-experimental approach, and the study community consisted of all Princess Nourah University students. [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 9-42]
  • E-learning the impact of using Edmodo through mobile devices on learning and access to information. To achieve the purpose of the study the researcher followed a semi-experimental approach, and the study community consisted of all Princess Nourah University students. [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 9-42]
  • Enrichment activities Using Supplementary Enrichment Activities of the Social Studies Curriculum for Developing Primary Sage Pupils’ Moral Thinking Skills [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 223-267]


  • Female university students styles according to Sternberg’s theory and their relationship to enjoying life among female university students [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 461-503]


  • Mobile Learning the impact of using Edmodo through mobile devices on learning and access to information. To achieve the purpose of the study the researcher followed a semi-experimental approach, and the study community consisted of all Princess Nourah University students. [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 9-42]


  • National Qualifications Framework Problems related to curriculum development From the viewpoint of the members of the committees of Academic Plans and Programs at King Khalid University [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 301-339]


  • Scientific Sense The use of Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning Strategy to develop some analytical thinking skills and scientific sense in science for students in the preparatory stage [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 399-459]
  • Self-Regulated Learning Strategy The use of Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning Strategy to develop some analytical thinking skills and scientific sense in science for students in the preparatory stage [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 399-459]
  • Social Studies curriculum Using Supplementary Enrichment Activities of the Social Studies Curriculum for Developing Primary Sage Pupils’ Moral Thinking Skills [Volume 58, Issue 58, 2019, Pages 223-267]